Tips for Divorced Mothers With Young Children

Though it appears that toddlers are too young to understand incidents like divorce, they can get affected in an adverse manner by different stressful events. The divorce of parents hinders the development of the child. Though they do not understand divorce they may understand the depression, worry in the parents. Here are few tips for divorced mothers with young children:


Though children have started to use language, there are a number of things they fail to understand. As for instance, they have the knowledge that one parent is leaving home but fail to figure out the reason. toddlers do not recognize time. They may ask questions like when dad is coming and you reply on Friday. There are possibilities like they may repeat the question a few hours later since they fail to find out how long is Friday. It is a prerequisite that you should be answering your kids instead of being frustrated.

Encourage your child to express feelings

Toddlers do not express their feelings via talking. Instead, they make use of artwork or play for expressing the same. Recommended play materials for children are inclusive of clay, dolls, art supplies, puppets, etc. Notice your children while playing and identify themes that are related to changes in the family. Do not ask direct questions about your child’s play or drawings. You can ask indirect questions such as I am wondering why your doll looks sad. Children open more when adults watch them. Wait till they are ready to talk.

Observe their behavior

Stress may lead to an alteration in the behavior of toddlers. You can figure out the same by observing their behavior which is inclusive of more crying, loss of appetite, alterations in sleep patterns. There may be changes in their behavior such as they may act quieter, more hitting, thumb sucking. They may ask you to feed them. Though these behaviors are common in some kids, you should look for more behavior which is not usual for your child. Consult pediatrician if there are signs of stress.

Communicate with the other parent

Depending on custody rights, the father might not have as much time as you to spend with the kid. For an effective and healthy development of your child, it is imperative that your child should communicate with the other parent as well. Some parenting problems require coordination and communication between both the parents. For instance, toilet training becomes easy if both parents agree to handle it. You should discuss other major issues with the other parent such as alteration of nap time, the arrangement of the child. It becomes easier for children if routines do not vary in each home. You should refrain using bargaining or threat for getting done what you wanted as they may result in creating additional stress for the child. You should speak with the other parent in a calm and clear way before the other child. Even if you do not care what the other parent is saying, you should act listening to them. It is indispensable to maintain a positive and focus seriously on co-parenting.

Communicate with friends and relatives

You should updates to other caregivers about the family changes. They should have the requisite information for understanding the behavior of your child. Though you may fail to notice a change in the behavior, another caregiver may find it.

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